Podrobný popis:
- předmětem veřejné zakázky je dodání sběru chemických sloučenin
- The subject of public contracts in DPS will be groups of chemical substances in a suitable format for use in automated chemical libraries under the commercial and technical conditions specified by the Contracting Authority
- This is a collection of chemical compounds that are either synthetic or derived from natural sources (nutraceuticals, phytochemicals) that will be stored in tubes or microtiter plates that have unique identifiers for easy tracking and retrieval
- Each compound will be defined by a specific chemical structure, form (e.g. powder, solution with defined solvent) and purity level that is confirmed by the analytical data provided
- Analytical data may include high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and/or high resolution mass spectrometry (HRMS) and/or nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, which are techniques that can separate, identify and quantify chemical entities
- The subject matter is intended for use for research and development purposes in the fields of biotechnology and medicine
- okres Olomouc
Termín pro podání nabídek:
- 16.11.2023 v 9:00 hodin
Kritéria výběru:
- nejnižší nabídková cena